A Bay Area couple says they had their house covered by insurance — literally. A huge insurance sign being towed by a plane came loose and fell directly on their house Friday in Fremont. Terry McSweeney reports.
One Bay Area couple can now say for certain their house is covered by insurance.
A 4,000-square-foot Geico insurance banner being towed by a plane came loose and fell directly on their house Friday in Fremont.
"I heard a thump," says Sarah Clark, who was inside when banner landed on her home. "When I looked out the front gate I thought it was pouring rain because it kind of made it look that way. And it sounded like a windstorm, or maybe rain, but I knew it wasn't raining."
When Clark looked out her back door that's when she saw the massive sign.
"I saw a gigantic piece of fabric over the gazebo and I was thinking it's a parachute or hot air balloon," Clark says.
Ameer Hassan was driving on Interstate 880 just a few miles away when he saw the sign fall.
"I saw the banner flying sideways and I've never seen anything like that before," Hassan says. "I didn't know if it was heavy enough to destroy anything."
The pilot of the plane says he was trying out a new rope that failed to hold the sign. The FAA is investigating the incident.