
Kayaker Sets Off on Solo Trip From the Bay Area to Hawaii

Cyril Derreumaux is aiming to complete the journey in about 70 days

NBC Universal, Inc. Cyril Derreumaux on Monday set off on a solo kayaking journey from the Bay Area to Hawaii.

Hawaii, here he comes.

Cyril Derreumaux on Monday set off on a solo kayaking journey from the Bay Area to the islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

"No fears," Derreumaux said early Monday morning as he began the excursion from Sausalito. "I've prepared. I feel serene. I feel ready. I've been waiting for this day. Conditions are perfect. The boat is ready. I'm ready."

Derreumaux, who is originally from France but now lives in Larkspur, hopes to complete the 2,400-nautical-mile voyage in about 70 days.

"I love people, I love the support," Derreumaux said. "I love humans' passion. It's very raw right now and I love it. I love it. I live for this."

The kayak features a 23-foot-long shell made out of carbon fiber. It is self-righting, which means it's tough to capsize.

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