Learn the Ropes with SFC Double Dutch

Classes start in July for those looking to hop and skip their way into hipster hotness

Kickball, hula-hooping and now double-dutch -- every playground activity is new again for adults looking for exercise and a good time.

Especially since these types of recess games are now considered dangerous menaces to society and child self-esteem by litigious insurance companies and over-protective parents, respectively.

However, for the lovable hipsters at SFC Double Dutch, it's all fun and games -- and there's nothing stopping consenting adults from indulging.

Besides putting on a good show, SFC Double Dutch holds classes so that you can get up to speed and into shape.

Plus you get an awesome performance name, without the bruising and broken bones involved in joining a roller derby league.

"I always wanted to do something that was an outlet and I kind of felt like it suited my personality," Dorothy "D-Nicety" Santos told Mission Local.

Two sets of introductory classes kick off next month in (where else) the Mission.

Jackson West figures this is one of the few appropriate occassions to wear American Apparel knee socks.

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