Primus front man Les Claypool is presenting a benefit for a local fisherman who lost his boat earlier this year.
The benefit concert is at the end of the month in Petaluma.
Back in March, Ted Frank was headed back to port with a load of crab when his 36 foot boat "Yardbird" started to take on water.
The vessel capsized just outside Bodega Bay, and while Frank and his mate Kevin Leeman escaped with their lives, they are now unable to work and are facing a pile of bills after an unfortunate lapse of insurance.
Claypool will bring his latest act Duo de Twang to the LaguMiniAmphitheaterette along with Bad Catahoula as well as other “special musical guests to see if we can help Ted Frank get back on his feet and back on the ocean.”
Folks interested in breaking bread before the show can take advantage of a BBQ/pasta feed that starts at 4:20 p.m., with the show starting at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, June 25 at the Lagunitas Brewing Company in Petaluma.
Tickets went on sale Tuesday at noon and cost $75 for the feed and show, and $50 for show only.
We'll have to see if Claypool will play Primus tune "Last Salmon Man (Fisherman's Chronicles, Part IV)" about a fisherman who "promised to his father he'd do his best to stay in Bodega Bay."
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