Making It in the Bay

Bay Area Exodus: Report Lists Where San Franciscans Are Going

NBC Universal, Inc.
Using data from cell phones as well as change-of-address forms, researchers have determined that between 1.5 and 3% of San Francisco’s population left the city for surrounding counties or other states over the past year, according to a report. Cierra Johnson reports.

Using data from cell phones as well as change-of-address forms, researchers have determined that between 1.5 and 3% of San Francisco's population left the city for surrounding counties or other states over the past year, according to a report.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported that the United States Postal Service received 138,717 change-of-address requests from San Francisco households between March and November. Among those, 8,131 households relocated to Alameda County and 6,637 households went to San Mateo County.

Here were the top destinations for those moving out of the state:

  • Travis County, Texas (home of Austin) - 239 households
  • Denver County, Colorado - 238 households
  • Multnomah County, Oregon (home of Portland) - 175 households

The exodus has impacted another aspect of city living: rent prices. According to data posted online by Norada Real Estate Investments, there has been a 23% decline in rents over the past year and a 15-year high in available condominiums.

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