Marin County

Marin Co. Residents Agree, Affordable Housing is Their Top Priority

Twenty-seven percent of residents who responded to a write-in answer on a survey said affordability, cost of living and housing was their single biggest priority for Marin County, according to the county officials.

The five-page survey of 3,200 randomly sampled households conducted through the National Research Center started in November and ended in January. Nearly 700 households, or about 22 percent, responded.

Most respondents were white, lived in Marin County more than 10 years, owned their own home and earned more than $100,000 a year. Fourteen percent of respondents were Spanish, Hispanic or Latino.

Twenty-five percent of respondents to the open question said traffic and transportation improvements were a priority and 22 percent said environmental issues and disaster preparedness were most important.

Overall, Marin County residents said they enjoy a positive and healthy quality of life, feel safe and hold the county's natural environment in high regard.

The Marin County Board of Supervisors' priorities for the next two budget years include investment in infrastructure - roads, fire stations and libraries - and disaster preparedness. Four of the county supervisors' top five priorities also were among the top priorities on the open question in the survey.

"There appears to be strong alignment with our (the county's) top priorities," Assistant County Administrator Daniel Eilerman said.

Board of Supervisors President Kate Sears said the survey results are "fascinating," and they help the board set priorities and policies.

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