
Martinez City Council votes to approve homeless encampment ordinance

NBC Universal, Inc.

The Martinez City Council unanimously approved an ordinance on Wednesday to clear out homeless encampments, even if a shelter is not available.

The Martinez City Council unanimously approved an ordinance on Wednesday to clear out homeless encampments, even if a shelter is not available.

It’s a trend that is being seen across the Bay Area following a June decision by the Supreme Court, giving cities the ability to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public spaces, and an executive order in by Gov. Gavin Newsom, issuing the removal of encampments across California.

Encampments aren’t a widespread problem at the moment in Martinez. But the police chief said it’s more of a proactive measure and added that encampments have been a problem in the past.

The decision isn’t sitting well with local homeless advocates.

“You can’t keep kicking people out from town to town. it’s inhumane,” said Noralea Gipner, president of the Homeless Action Coalition.

With Wednesday night’s vote, the city can take immediate action on clearing out encampments, but police said it could take a few weeks before any action takes place.

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