Newsom Tweets a Warning to Bad Boys and Girls

Mayor goes door to door with Twitter

Okay maybe Mayor Gavin Newsom might be letting this Twitter thing get to his head.

We know you think the social networking site is cool and all and it's even better to support companies based in your city. We even know you visited Twitter headquarters this week and you are in the midst of "twitterfying" the city.

But do you really want to give slacker kids that you are about to clamp down on a heads up that you are coming? Apparently. Because that's exactly what you just did.

Our friends over at SFist tipped us off that Thursday morning, the mayor, who regularly lets his stalkers know where he is via text messages to his Twitter account, tweeted a warning to kids cutting class, who just might happen to be hanging out on Twitter, who by some bizarre scenario might be following the mayor, that he was coming for them.

GavinNewsom Visiting truant kids at their homes-- surprise visits -- with Balboa H.S. Principal Gray-- if your one of them.. Listen to the knock:)

Ah, did you see the smiley face? What a guy. What was the end result?

most at home today..also meeting with parents/ family members

Maybe they got your Tweet, Mr. Mayor.

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