San Francisco

Tweet Inspires Rosie O'Donnell to Pitch Bannon Role on SNL

Calvin Philips was wracked with laughter when he watched comedienne Melissa McCarthy play Sean Spicer on Saturday Night Live last week.

So, the 20-year-old former San Francisco resident, who now attends Oberlin College and Conservatory in Ohio, went on Twitter to chat about her performance.

He joined an online conversation where Stephanie Thompson of San Diego, who listed herself as a publicist, writer and copy editor, tweeted: "Quick, who can we get to play T***p on SNL instead? Ooh..maybe Rosie."

Then Staley Sharples, a digital media manager in Chicago, jumped in.

"Anyone else realizing the opportunity that Lorne Michaels has here in casting the drag version of #SteveBannon...?" Sharples also tweeted a side-by-side of Rosie O'Donnel and White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. She has a pinned Feb. 7 tweet saying, "Ya'll I was the one who suggested" the idea.

Courtesy Calvin Philips
Calvin Philips, 20, is one of many Twitter hopefuls who tweeted at Rosie O'Donnell about the possibility of her playing Steve Bannon for Saturday Night Live.

But it was Philips, a graduate of San Francisco University High School, who connected the players together (even though he had originally thought O'Donnell should play Trump.)

"Trump, @Rosie, was upset that a staffer was played by a woman, and you do a great impression of him. Willing to take one for the team?" Philips tweeted.

In a phone interview on Friday, Philips thought his comment would just disappear into the "Twitter ether."

It did no such thing.

His comment has gotten 230 retweets and 1,255 likes.

And the best part of all? O'Donnell tweeted him back. "i am here to serve - alec has trump - melissa has spice- i would need a few days to prepare - so if called-i will be ready," O'Donnell tweeted on Monday.

On Thursday, O'Donnell changed her Twitter profile, which looks like she photoshopped her face on Bannon's. Tweeps across the globe put side-by-side photos of the two together showing a striking, and eerie, resemblance.

The only thing that could make Philips happier is if O'Donnell actually played Bannon on SNL.

As of Friday, the Today Show reported there was no announcement that O'Donnell will appear on this week's "Saturday Night Live."

The show will be hosted for a record 17th time by Alec Baldwin on Feb. 11.

But the Internet sure wants it to happen.

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