San Francisco

San Francisco Prepares for 4/20 Celebration at Hippie Hill

0:00 / 2:22

As thousands of people prepare to light up on April 20, or 4/20, Golden Gate Park’s Hippie Hill in San Francisco gets ready to host its annual event. Christie Smith reports.

As thousands of people prepare to light up on April 20, or 4/20, Golden Gate Park’s Hippie Hill in San Francisco gets ready to host its annual event.

Despite it not being a city-approved event, fences have been put up in the perimeter of the hill as officials are expecting a big turnout since this year is the first time that recreational marijuana use is legal in the state.

"Everyone comes together over a mutual love of marijuana and I love that everyone is gathering in this place, it's historic," said San Francisco resident Angela Perna.

Those who have been to Hippie Hill before believe more people will show up this time around because of the recreational drug’s legalization.

Not only is the number of attendants expected to increase, but cannabis dispensaries in the city are expecting an uptick in sales through Friday since they won’t be able to be on site.

"We're only allowed to sell at our physical location or our delivery service," said Ian Sharp from Apothecarium Castro Cannabis Dispensary.

Though it’s an unsanctioned event, the city is working with merchants and sponsors to control the crowds.

"Our task is to mitigate, remediate the impacts of 12,000 to 15,000 people showing up," said Phil Ginsberg from San Francisco Recreation and Park.

Supervisor London Breed claims the sponsors will provide more structure allowing for a "safer, less chaotic experience."

Now that the fencing is up, more private security will be hired. The city wants all attendants to remember that though marijuana is now legal, it is still illegal to smoke it in public.

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