San Francisco

1906 Earthquake Commemoration Events Run Throughout the Week

NBC Universal, Inc.
The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management is hosting a series of events this week to commemorate the 1906 earthquake and fire. Bob Redell reports.

The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management is hosting a series of events this week to commemorate the 1906 earthquake and fire.

The events kick off at 5:12 a.m. Tuesday with the 117th commemoration of the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.

People will gather as they do every year at Lotta's Fountain on Market Street where Geary and Kearny streets meet -- which is the spot where many of the city's residents assembled to await help after the devastating quake.

The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management is hosting a series of events this week to commemorate the 1906 earthquake and fire. Bob Redell reports.

After the commemoration, a procession will head to the golden fire hydrant on the corner of 20th and Church streets for its annual re-painting ceremony.

The hydrant is thought to have been the sole water source used by volunteers in their successful attempt to protect the south side of the Mission District from the massive post-earthquake fires that swept the city, according to San Francisco Department of Emergency Management officials.

On Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., people are also welcome to attend the department's "Get Ready, Stay Ready" community preparedness fair at the Main Public Library and Fulton Plaza.

The event will feature an earthquake simulator, giveaways, free lunch for the first 350 attendees, hands-on readiness training and workshops on how to prepare for a disaster.

On Thursday and Friday, the department will host workshops, which are not open to the public, to test new disaster supply distribution plans and for ensuring a "more equitable and community-driven emergency response."

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