
California Congressman Calls on FBI to Investigate SFPD

NBC Universal, Inc.

A California congressman is calling on the FBI to investigate the San Francisco Police Department.

Representative Adam Schiff wants to know if the police department used the DNA in a rape kit to later arrest that rape victim for a different crime.

Schiff calls “deeply concerning reports” from Chesa Boudin’s office.

As ominous as a federal investigation sounds, Retired Superior Court Judge Ladoris Cordell said such probes of law enforcement agencies are not unusual.

“The federal government has weighed in in Oakland and has even got federal judicial control over Oakland PD,” said Cordell. 

On Tuesday evening, Police Chief Bill Scott released a statement saying he welcomed the FBI enquiry and, “We are committed to working with Rep. Schiff on any federal legislation necessary to clarify or strengthen protections for DNA profiles voluntarily submitted to police for the purposes of solving crimes.”

The chief also said he has already taken steps to halt any possibility of misuse of DNA profiles of victims and survivors.

“This practice just has to stop. And I am hoping there will be some legislation from the federal government and certainly in California and other states if that’s what’s happening that says this is just not permissible,” said Cordell.

Chief Scott seems to be on the same page as Judge Cordell. He says he would welcome state of local legislation that could prohibit the practice of using a victims rape kit DNA evidence against them.

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