Israel-Hamas War

Bay Area families desperate for news of missing loved ones in Israel

NBC Universal, Inc.

Dramatic developments took place Tuesday in Israel as well as in the Bay Area following Saturday’s invasion of the Jewish state. 

President Joe Biden confirmed 14 Americans are dead and at least 20 are missing. 

Chilling images show Hamas terrorists killing drivers in their cars, then dragging their bodies.

Video shows a terrified Israeli concertgoer desperately hiding behind a vehicle as he's executed at point blank range.

Manny Yuketiel, owner of Manny's coffee shop in San Francisco, is awaiting a flight home from Israel while his cousin is going off to war. Ginger Conejero Saab reports.

Rachel Goldberg is the mother of a young Berkeley native, Hersh Polin-Goldberg, who is among the missing, who was also at that concert on Saturday.

“We know that Hirsch's arm from the elbow down was severed, was blown off, and that he tied a tourniquet around with his shirt,” said the mother. “They were put on a pickup truck and driven away by Hamas."

Adrienne Neta, 66, is a nurse, born and raised in California. She, too, is missing.

Her son says his siblings were on the phone with her when it happened.

“My brother told me that they both heard, ‘come upstairs,' burst into the shelter in my mom's home. And that was when the conversation was disconnected,” said Neta. 

President Biden blasted the carnage unleashed by Hamas and vowed American support. 

“Let there be no doubt,” he said. “The United States has Israel's back.”

Dozens gathered in San Francisco's Dolores Park Tuesday night for the mourner’s Kaddish in memory of the hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian lives lost on both sides of the war.

“We know as Jews, all human life is sacred. We don't need to choose a side, webelieve in an end to violence, and we know the root cause of that violence is apartheid,’ said Hayle Myerhoff of IfNotNow.

While in Walnut Creek, hundreds of people turned out to make a pro-Israel statement.

“It shows the strength of the Jewish community and it shows the strength we have, and we will support Israel forever,” said event organizer, Yana Berger. 

Israeli troops are now massing for a potential ground offensive inside Gaza in southern Israel, at the same time hoping Hezbollah does not launch an invasion from the north.

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