People's March takes place in San Francisco for LGBTQ+ rights

The march follows the same exact path as the city’s first Gay Liberation Protest in June 1970

NBC Universal, Inc.

Dozens of people gathered in San Francisco Sunday to partake in the People’s March.

The People’s March, organized by Alex U. Inn and Juanita More, seeks to continue protest for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) LGBTQ+ rights. The march followed the same exact path as the city’s first Gay Liberation Protest in June 1970.  

“This march is talking about everything that is happening in the queer community,” More said.

The group gathered at Polk and Washington Streets in the Polk Gulch neighborhood. They then made their way down Polk chanting and at one point in a lullaby.

“We decided to put a voice behind our people and our community and that’s why we started the People’s March,” Inn said. "It was a big protest and it should stay a protest because we are protesting for our lives every day."

Songs and speeches were highlighted to give a message to attendees to keep pushing on. For some, they said, it was way to “march for the people who come before me the people that are going to come after me.”

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