Principal Loses Bet with Students, Kisses Pig
An elementary school principal in Pittsburg puckered up and kissed a pig Tuesday after losing a bet with her students.
Foothill Elementary students outpaced their fundraising goal and collected $3,000 for "Pennies for Patients," a program that benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. So Principal Nina Crossland kept her promise and started looking for a pig.
Crossland also recruited Vice Principal Yvonne Nelson and lunch monitor and parent group President Inise Evans, who was on vacation when the students gathered in the cafeteria to nominate her.
Crossland asked around and found a friend who has a friendly 4-year-old Vietnamese pot-bellied pig as a pet. Nelson began to plan − would a quick peck on the pig forehead fulfill her committment, yet still meet the children's expectations?
The children − about 600 of them − were excited but restrained as they watched the stunt from under a shade structure behind the school. Since Lilly doesn't like loud noises, the teachers taught them to wave their hands instead of clapping. A buzz of appreciation, but no squeals, except from the pig.
Lilly cooperated at first, but then the hot blacktop started to hurt her hooves and she oinked in protest. Crossland and Nelson managed to plant quick pecks on her, but the pig avoided Evans' lips.
So everyone moved quickly to the grass, where Lilly seemed more relaxed. Evans finally laid a big one on the pig, feeling the full pressure of the crowd. She knew she couldn't disappoint.