SF Cop's Brutality Bill Could Top a Mil

Well-connected cop keeps job even as lawsuit settlements mount

The San Francisco Police Commission has offered $350,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by a tourist who was shocked repeatedly by officers in yet another violent incident involving Officer Jesse Serna.

In December of 2006, then medical student Mehrdad Alemozaffar says he was handcuffed, forced to the ground and shocked repeatedly with a taser after promising to file a complaint against Serna for rude comments made by the officer.

If accepted by Alemozaffar and approved by the Board of Supervisors, the settlement would bring the total cost to taxpayers of Serna's two-fisted style of policing to $545,000.

Two previous suits have already amounted to $195,000.

Between 1996 and 2004, Serna was number one in the department in reports of force-involved incidents.  That is 50 percent higher than any other officer.

Two more suits are currently pending in federal district court alleging civil rights violations by Serna and asking for a combined $525,000 in damages.

With the department facing a budget shortfall, it will be interesting to see how much longer Serna's antics are tolerated. That he's yet to be even officially reprimanded may have something to do with his stepfather, Police Commander Stephen Tacchini. Photo by Flickr user Ingorrr.

Jackson West would like to second this tourist advisory.

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