Tom Campbell First Candidate to Turn Over Tax Returns

Fellow Senate-seeking Republicans unlikely to disclose before primary

While the gubernatorial candidates are still saying they'll show us theirs if someone else goes first, former Congressman Tom Campbell senate campaign has released his return for 2009.

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, who is running against Campbell, said she filed an extension so won't have 2009 returns to report until after the June primary election. Nor has incumbent Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Campbell had already revealed his 2008 returns when running for governor, making him the only candidate in either race to have done so.

The former congressman made $443,426 in adjusted-gross income in 2009, thanks to jobs teaching at USC and Cal, as well as serving on the boards of Visa International and chipmaker FormFactor. He says that he resigned from both boards after entering the senate race.

Maybe tellingly, Campbell isn't exactly the charitable sort. He claimed a measly $600 in tax write-offs for charitable donations.

Update: A spokesperson for the DeVore campaign says that the candidate will be releasing his tax returns this week.

Jackson West is a little shocked that Campbell donated so little since he clearly lives so well.

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