
Vigil Honors Memory of UC Berkeley Student Killed in Bangladesh

Tarishi Jain was interning at a bank in Dhaka and was at the Holey Artisan Bakery when armed militants stormed the eatery

Hundreds of students at the University of California at Berkeley paid their respects to a fellow classmate and 19 other hostages killed in Bangladesh during a vigil Tuesday afternoon. Elyce Kirchner reports.

Hundreds of students at the University of California at Berkeley paid their respects to a fellow classmate and 19 other hostages killed in Bangladesh during a vigil Tuesday afternoon.

Tarishi Jain, a sophomore economics major, was remembered for her community involvement and keen attention to the well-being of global relationships.

"She was so ambitious," said Berkeley student Dana Albert. "Constantly doing well in her studies."

Jain was interning at a bank in Dhaka this summer and was at the Holey Artisan Bakery when armed militants stormed the eatery and killed 20 hostages last Friday.

The act of terror hit close to home for Albert who lived in the same dormitory as Jain last year.

"You think that it's so far away that it doesn't occur to you," Albert said. "And it does and it's the most soul-wrenching thing to ever happen."

During her time at Berkeley, Jain was an active member of the International Advisory Board, a group that provides guidance to and helps organize events for international students on campus, the university said.

She also spent time developing a clothing line called EthiCal Apparel, with profits reinvested to provide microloans to low-income people who lack access to banking services.

"She was a very talented young lady with a passion to make a positive difference in the world," said Sujit Chowdhury, a quality-management strategist whose donation launched UC Berkeley’s Center for Bangladesh Studies. "It is not just a loss for India or UC Berkeley, but a loss for the world."

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