San Jose

Workers at 3 South Bay Hospitals to Observe Floyd Moment of Silence

Doctors, nurses and other health care workers will take a knee for 8 minutes, 46 seconds to show solidarity with George Floyd protests

NBC Bay Area Doctors and medical staff at Highland hospital in Oakland gather in solidarity with the Black lives Matter movement. (June 4, 2020)

Hundreds of South Bay doctors, nurses and other medical workers on Wednesday will observe a moment of silence and take a knee in solidarity with the calls for change across the nation sparked by George Floyd's death.

Workers at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, O'Connor Hospital, Saint Louise Regional Medical Center and health clinics across Santa Clara County will take part in the event, starting in the noon hour, Valley Medical said in a release Wednesday.

At about 12:30 p.m., the groups will take a knee and remain silent for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in a tribute to Floyd, who died on Memorial Day after a Minneapolis police officer pressed a knee down on Floyd's neck for that amount of time.

A whistle blast will signify the start and stop of the silence, officials said.

A similar observance dubbed White Coats for Black Lives took place at Highland Hospital in Oakland last week.

The health care workers say they are are making a public commitment to continue their mission to be change agents for health equity throughout their diverse communities as well as demonstrate their status as professional ambassadors in what is one of the most diverse industries in the U.S.

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