Bat Week: NPS Fêtes the Flying Mammals

You've seen them fluttering around California's national and state parks; now here's how you can help our helpful, on-the-wing friends.

DID YOU BUY YOUR BAT WEEK CUPCAKES? No? And you haven't hung the bat-themed streamers yet, the ones covered in tiny wings and caves? And you didn't send out invites, the ones to all of your bat buff buddies? No worries, for it isn't too late: Bat Week 2017 has just kicked off, or fluttered off, rather, and it will zoom, like a small winged mammal, right through to Tuesday, Oct. 31. Yes, as in Halloween, as in a day when a whole bunch of batty decorations and cute costumes are on view in numerous locations. But bats need our human attention throughout the whole year, and not just on All Hallow's Eve. After all, the...

FURRY-COOL MAMMALS... do a load of good and important stuff for this planet, true story. "Some bats eat insects that destroy crops and spread disease," states the National Park Service page devoted to bat-tastic topics, and "(s)ome bats pollinate plants, like agave." As for spreading seeds around and producing new plant life? You got it: Bats are into it. Nope, they don't wear tiny little superhero symbols on their furry chests, but they do keep on keepin' on, which is why we can...

TAKE THE PLEDGE: Stating your support for bats is a positive move, as "...they face significant conservation challenges" and plentiful bat-based hurdles. There are several sweet things a bat maven can do during Bat Week, including hosting a Bat Week Party or reaching out to local officials regarding a Bat Week proclamation. And if you want to see a bat with your own peepers? California leaf-nosed bats are known to call the Mojave Desert home, while 14 of the 23 bat species that live in the Golden State are known to hang around at Pinnacles National Park. It's all so cool, and so amazing, and so where it's at, we mean bat, rather.

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