Evergreen Lodge's Cool Pool

A Yosemite retreat gets an outside makeover.

SUNSHINE SPOT: When you think of a hotel's pool renovation, and new loungers, and a new bar area, you might be forgiven for thinking of a property in the desert, maybe Palm Springs, maybe Las Vegas. But when a mountain lodge pool gets a rethinking, it is a bit more of a surprise. After all, we too often associate the forests and hotels found in forests with snow and colder climes. And yet if you've been to a higher elevation property in the summertime, you often wish you did have a pool. The temps are warm, it is light late, and you're probably not going to go find some mountain stream to splash on, just to get your swim on. If a stream isn't your thing, but lounging by water with a cocktail is, and you love you some Yosemite rather fiercely -- and who doesn't? -- check out the new outdoor renovations at the historic Evergreen Lodge in the western part of the national park.

THE NEW STUFF: There's a pool bar with snack and drinks, including mocktails. And the pool and tub were rethought with a green touch: They're filled with salt water, meaning fewer chemicals will be required in their upkeep. And the redwood tables near the pool? Yep, they're old wine casks, which is charming and greener, too. This all gets us to thinking two things. One? Shouldn't ever mountain lodge have a swimming pool, regardless of the snowier months? And two, shouldn't we all be in Yosemite right now?

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