Huge Harvest Fest Gets Its 2019 Dates

It's the mega Original Art & Craft Show, and it will visit several Golden State cities.

CHRISTMAS? It wrapped over two months ago, of course, but for some people, the holidays don't ever truly end. Not when there are craft boxes to organize, and discounted wrapping paper bins to explore, and various gifts to purchase months in advance (all to avoid that hectic rush-rush of December). If you fall more on this side of celebrating, and you prefer to jump into the most joyous time of year on the earlier side, there's a long-running, huge-of-size spectacular that wants nothing more than to help you out. It's the Harvest Festival Original Art & Craft Show, a mega on-the-road event that can trace its origins back to the early 1970s. Indeed, that means its...

50TH ANNIVERSARY... is but a few years away, and it also means that the show has taken the time to build a devoted fan base and a line-up of over 300 top-notch painters, photographers, jewelry artisans, bakers, woodworkers, and a host of artisans that create one-of-a-kind goods. The kind of goods that are perfect for your mom's stocking, or under the tree of a good friend, or your own closet. It's such a big thing, the Harvest Festival, that it doesn't wait for July or August to reveal its schedule. In fact, that happened earlier in February 2019, which means you can plan your September through December accordingly.

LAS VEGAS... is up first, the only outside-of-California stop, on the second weekend of September, then a whole host of Golden State towns will follow, with Costa Mesa, Ventura, San Mateo, San Jose, and Pomona all on the map, as well as a few others. Should you follow the tour, like you might do with a rock band? That's up to you, but one stop should fill up your craft-loving heart for a good long while. Need more harvest-y beauty in this heart of winter? Click.

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