Savor Sequoia Splendor at a Starlit Giants Snowshoe

Looking for a way to spend the Saturday evening before Earth Day? Join this epic outing.

TWO TOWERING TREES, trees that are known throughout the planet, specimens that are superstars of the most celebrated variety, make for an awesome and powerful sight on any day of the year. But when Earth Day is close, and winter's snowy ways are waning, and there's a chance to call upon one of the trees in the evening? Well, that awesomeness, and power component, just seems to increase. And that's just what will happen on the evening of Saturday, April 20, when the...

STARLIT GIANTS SNOWSHOE event calls upon General Grant and General Sherman, the two best-known sequoias in the Sequoias and Kings Canyon National Parks. Nope, Grant and Sherman don't stand together, so you'll need to choose which group you'd like to join. Whichever way you go, know that you'll get to commune with a colossal, big-of-limb, old-of-story spirit, which is something we non-tree earthlings should probably do more often. And to do just that as the night settles in over the trees? And you're viewing these mega-growers by flashlight? Bliss.

SEQUOIA PARKS CONSERVANCY... is at the lead of this two-pronged outing, and a ticket? It's $15, if you're not a member of the conservancy (and ten bucks if you are). The activity level is described as "moderate," and both "first-timers and seasoned snowshoers" are invited to join. Your snowshoes? They'll be provided, oh yeah. The conservancy calls this a "once-in-a-lifetime experience," and, truly, when will you get to see such a tree after the daytime visitors have gone bye-bye? It adds another layer of mystery, certainly.

READ ALL... on this after-dark delight, and keep in mind that April 20 is the kick-off for National Park Week. That means free admission to those national parks that usually charge a get-in fee. Still, you'll want to buy your ticket to the Starlit Giants Snowshoe, and see if such an adventure is right for you. If you're up for the two-hour event, and don't mind hiking if snowshoes aren't ultimately warranted, consider that you'll have an outing that's sure to go high, high up in the pantheon of your favorite nature-based memories.

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