Solvang Sweet: Hotel Corque Gingerbread

The lobby-lovely tradition dovetails nicely with Julefest.

CORQUE FOR CHRISTMAS: When you're taking a joyful jump into the holiday season, the sort of run-up-and-say-"yippee" leap that sends you deep into caroling events and tree lightings and cocoa sippings and ornament admirings, you want the full spectrum of shiny, sparkly, cockles-warming experience. And that's an experience many a yuletide reveler desires when they turn their station wagon for the most Danish burg in all the land, Solvang. It's a town that regular makes Christmas-themed must-see lists, on the national and international level, thanks to its storybook buildings and annual Decembertime to-do, Julefest. But when one arrives for Julefest, one likely wants a bit more whimsy outside of the party. Maybe, even, a storybook-type sight in the lobby of the hotel they've booked. Look to...

HOTEL CORQUE, the well-appointed boutiquery, for tips on making the joyful days of Julefest extra, well, gingery. Baker Bent Olsen has again created another amazing gingerbread manor expressly for the elegant public space of this hotel, one that will give cheer through Julefest and into the end of the year. Perhaps you've been to Mr. Olsen's own Olsen's Danish Village Bakery, or maybe you've called upon Hotel Corque over the last 20 years and seen another of the baking artiste's handsome cookie-made homes. He has been creating gingerbread houses for the hotel for two decades, now, making it a true Solvang tradition. The photograph with this post is from 2012, so hightail it to Hotel Corque for a peek at the 2016 house, sure to be one of the beautiful, in-the-spirit touchstones of Solvang's Julefest celebrations.

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