Robert Pattison Explains Joking About Being ‘Allergic' To Women

Robert Pattison wishes everyone would just learn how to take a joke – especially when it comes to his interview with Details magazine's March issue where he said, "I really hate vaginas. I'm allergic to vagina."

Access Hollywood caught up with the young actor at the "Remember Me" junket in New York on Sunday, where he broke down his comments that made millions of women take pause.

"I was just talking about this earlier. I was just saying like I had two lessons, don't try and make jokes in interviews and then the second one is like, just don't do interviews at all," the actor told Access when asked about his cheeky remarks.

"Don't talk about vaginas, people are very sensitive about them! Like, I know it's funny, like it's so funny how you know," he continued referring to the racy interview and photo spread where he appears with nude women in the magazine. "The whole story was because I thought people would be offended by the photos and when they get offended by the little joking explanation of it…I don't know the world's a weird place."

Robert had to contend with another weird rumor while filming his new movie – a rumor about a near death experience that he said snowballed into an international news story.

"I was like walking across the street and then this cab kind of nudged the side of my leg by accident," he explained. "And then the next day you see it on like CNN… my mom's calling me up going like, 'Were you hit by a car?'…I couldn't even remember the cab being there. People would ask me in almost every single interview since then like, 'You got hit by a cab?' I guess it's a good story!"

See Access' entire interview with Robert Pattinson, HERE!

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