White House

White House Says Conway Promo of Ivanka Line Inadvertent

Administration employees are subject to rules that prohibit them from using their official position to endorse products or services

The top White House ethics attorney says counselor Kellyanne Conway "acted inadvertently" and "without nefarious motive" when she promoted Ivanka Trump's fashion line during a television interview at the White House.

Stefan Passantino, deputy counsel to the president on compliance and ethics, wrote in a letter to the Office of Government Ethics that he met with Conway and resolved the matter.

Administration employees are subject to rules that prohibit them from using their official position to endorse products or services. In the Feb. 9 interview, Conway said to "go buy Ivanka's stuff."

Conway was reacting to reports that Nordstrom had dropped the line, which the president believes was a political move. The store says it was a business decision. Republican and Democratic lawmakers have condemned Conway's behavior.

Copyright The Associated Press
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