Yosemite National Park

Yosemite unveiled a pilot ‘Peak Hours Plus' vehicle reservation system for 2024

Nice: The park says "more reservations for afternoon entries" will be available.

Yosemite National Park

What to Know

  • "Peak Hours Plus," a pilot reservation program focused on vehicles, will begin in 2024; it's "similar" to Yosemite's 2022 system but with a bigger afternoon focus
  • Reservations will be required during certain hours and days from April 13 through Oct. 27, 2024
  • You can book your entry for all 2024 dates, beginning Jan. 5 at 8 a.m.

GLACIER POINT, TUOLUMNE MEADOWS, Bridalveil Fall, Half Dome, The Mist Trail: Any destination would be understandably famous if it included just one of these fantastical features, the natural wonders that are known to draw onlookers in delighted droves. Yosemite National Park has them all, as well as other epic treasures that have their own fiercely devoted fandoms (El Capitan, we do often gaze, agog, in your divine direction). But before you can break out the crampons, the tents, the binoculars, or your lucky hiking top, the one embroidered with tiny felt bears, you need to look into whether you'll need a reservation to enter the national park.

PLANNING AN YOSEMITE ENTRY... well ahead of time has become a common task for travelers in recent years, and not just during the summer; people who'd like to behold Horsetail Fall putting on its fiery February show will need to reserve entry on select weekends. So news of a pilot reservation system focused on vehicles called "Peak Hours Plus," a program set to debut in 2024, is not a surprising development for the seasoned Yosemite visitor. The Dec. 13 announcement detailed what park guests can expect in terms of dates and hours; it also encourages potential adventurers to consider whether they're planning to enjoy the park for a full day or a single afternoon.

JAN. 5, 2024... is when you can book your reservation for all of the available dates but be sure to be up early: Reservations open at 8 in the morning. Good to know? This isn't just a summer-only kind of program: Day one is April 13 and the final 2024 day is Oct. 7, and the hours and specific dates requiring reservations within that window are listed here. "This temporary reservation system will help manage congestion and provide a quality visitor experience," offered the Yosemite team. "This system will be similar to the 2022 'Peak Hours' system, with the addition of more reservations for afternoon entries. We are experimenting with a few different ideas for this summer as we work on the Visitor Access Management Plan (go.nps.gov/vamp)." Find out more now about "Peak Hours Plus" on the Yosemite social pages and official site.

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