Raider Nation Revolts Against Al Davis

The loyalists of Raider Nation are mad as Hell and they're letting the franchise's 80-year-old owner they aren't going to take it anymore.

Suffering through the worst 6-year stretch in NFL history, die hard Raiders fans calling themselves MessagetoAl have rallied against the Al Davis, forming a group complete with a Web site, a petition and a very visible display in the form of a billboard.

The billboard will be hard for anyone heading to a home game to miss. It stands just off the Nimitz, near the Oakland Alameda County Stadium, and bears the message:  "Mr. Davis, Do the right thing! Please hire a GM."

The message they're sending is clear: they want Davis to step down and hire a capable general manager, someone with "experience and success in the NFL." They even suggest a couple names, including Jon Gruden, to replace the current Head Coach Tom Cable.

They've already gathered about 24,000 signatures on their petition that they will send to Davis.

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