Health & Wellness

Surgeon general labels parental stress a public health challenge

NBC Universal, Inc.

The U.S. surgeon general on Wednesday issued a public health advisory, calling parental stress a public health challenge.

In his report, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said a national survey of parents found 48% reported their stress is completely overwhelming most days.

The nation's top doc said anxiety about making ends meet, concerns about children and social media, and violence in schools are all contributing to parents' stress levels.

The report also found the COVID-19 pandemic has added to parents' already full plate of worries.

"I think we are kind of suffering through the epidemic of loneliness, and it's been hard even post-COVID to return to our old normal of getting together as we used to and really leaning into those supportive relationships," pediatric psychologist Dr. Barbara Bentley said.

To help relieve stress, Bently recommends parents try to plan their week ahead of time, including down time.

"I think it's always helpful and even reasonable to do to save yourself either five minutes multiple times through the day or 15 minutes so that you really have a place in your day that you can do whatever you do to help destress," Bently said.

The surgeon general is also calling for the government and employers to establish programs to better support parents with child care and other family services.

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