Air Quality

Spare the Air alert issued for Tuesday-Wednesday due to unhealthy smog

NBC Universal, Inc.

Thick smog is expected to hover over the Bay Area on Tuesday and Wednesday, prompting a Spare the Air alert for the next two days, according to air quality officials.

The air across the region is forecast to be unhealthy Tuesday and Wednesday due to high inland temperatures and light winds, combined with motor vehicle exhaust, causing the thicker than usual smog, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District says.

The smog, or elevated ozone, can cause throat irritation, congestion and chest pain, air quality officials say. It also can trigger asthma, inflame the lining of the lungs and worsen bronchitis and emphysema.

During a Spare the Air Alert, people should try to schedule their outdoor exercise in the early morning hours when smog levels are lower, officials say.

To find out about Spare the Air alerts and when they're in effect, residents can register for email AirAlerts at, call 800-HELP-AIR, download the Spare the Air app or connect with Spare the Air on Facebook or Twitter.

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